Future Opportunities


Please find below information regarding future opportunities and career options for pupils leaving or about to leave education.

A Guide to Transition Beyond The Ridgeway School -> click to open PDF document.

LIFESTYLES AND CAREERS CURRICULUM POLICY including Gatsby Benchmarks - See how we support our pupils to prepare for their future -> PDF document.

Leavers Destination Data 2023 24


Leavers Stories

We like to get updates from families who have moved on from The Ridgeway School. Below is news on how some former pupils are getting on.

Leavers stories for Alice, James and Jordon -> click to open PDF document.


Message to employers

If you are an employer and would like to find out more about us or offer some support with our lifestyles and careers provision please get in touch. 

Phone the school on 01252 724562 or email info@ridgeway.surrey.sch.uk


Other resources

Please note the school has no connection or responsibility for the information provided in this section

Activate Learning - Supported Learning 2021Brochure -> PDF Doc

Surrey Choices EmpolyAbility -> Web link

SEND Surrey - Preparing for Adulthood - Surrey Local Offer -> Web link

Surrey Choices - Future Opportunities -> PDF Doc

Aspiring Prospects - Skills-for-Work-and-Life-Brochure-2020 -> PDF Doc